sabato 3 novembre 2012

PressJunket: VH1 (Kate Spencer)

Having seen Breaking Dawn Part 2 (you guys!!!) I was particularly touched by the scenes between Bella and her daughter Renesmee. She’s protective to the point where she’d sacrifice herself for he daughter’s safety, and Kristen Stewart plays the maternal vampire with raw, realistic emotion. When we sat down to talk at the press junket yesterday, we discussed the she feels maternal about in her own life.
“I do have two dogs,” says Kristen. “I adopted Bernie when she was a a bit older so I feel like she’s kind of a roommate. And Bear is my child. I raised him. He was handed to me through a car window with one hand, on this movie actually.”
Cute, huh? Bernie seems to be a new addition to Kristen’s dog family. And a girl, too! (I assumed Bernie would be a dude, but I guess it’s short for Bernice?) On Monday we’ll post the second part of Kristen’s answer to our maternal question, in which she gets serious talking about her mothering instinct and her tangible desire for kids. Stay tuned!

Kristen Stewart plays a mom in Breaking Dawn 2, which IMHO, is even more fierce than being a vampire (but I’m a mom, so I’m probably biased). She totally nails the ferocious, feral mother thing in the film, and told me that it was the ”one thing in the story that I took to.”
Says Kristen, “I’ve always thought that I was going to be a mom, but so so so far down the line. I’m not the type of person that’s like, “Oh, I can’t wait!” And I’m not hugely into babies, I don’t melt over the baby thing. But there’s something about protecting your own that is just absolutely ingrained me. I know that I’m gonna probably be a mom.”
As for that instinctive protective mom vibe, she says, “I definitely felt that. It was one of my favorite thing about playing this part, how animal she gets.”
In true Kristen fashion, she responded to my compliment about her onscreen mothering skills with “Cool! That’s f*cking awesome.”

When Anthony Mackie first told VH1 News about his playing golf with his “homeboy” Robert Pattinson, we were ecstatic about the image of the two in their best crazy-print pants, tee-ing off and shooting the breeze, or insert some other golf-y thing here. So of course when Kate Spencer got the chance to sit down with Rob at the Breaking Dawn – Part 2 press day last week, she asked him about his game. And then Rob promptly shattered our dreams.
“I don’t understand where this has come from!” Rob said, laughing. “I’ve seen him do another interview as well. I’m like, what is this? He’s really deadpan joking about it. I mean, I would love to, but, uh. Unless this has happened without me realizing it. Which is possible.”
Oh, no! Is someone drugging Rob and placing him on random man-dates with Hollywood’s finest actors? Also, is Anthony pulling our leg about HIS ENTIRE FRIENDSHIP with Rob, or just about the golf thing? Because if those two aren’t friends yet, as the Hurt Locker also claimed to MTV earlier this year, we need to set them up. Their dry sense of humor is perfectly calibrated for each other! OR, maybe Rob is the one messing with us (and Anthony) and he’s making up the fact that Anthony made it up.



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