venerdì 8 luglio 2011

Rob e Kris sul set di Cosmopolis il 7/8 luglio

In pratica come ieri, Rob ha dovuto girare di notte per le strade di Toronto e Kris è andata con lui (anche Bear ndr).. solo che questa volta l'hanno fotografata xP e ci sono più resoconti xP


- Lunch break for the cast and crew! Dinner for 3 has been brought to Rob's trailer!
- Confirming with my own two eyes KStew is in Tdot with RPattz!!
- P.s. Bear Pattinson was there too!! Not to leave him out!
- RPattz, KStew and Bear chilling in Rob's trailer!!
- RPattz now back on set! Rumor is that KStew may have already left!
- Rob Pattinson signs a storm of autographs on last night out outdoor shoots for Cosmopolis. Kristen was in car
- One brave fan had the nerve to ask Kristen Stewart for an autograph through vehicle window and she nodded declining.

- lmao They were filming downtown last night for about 11 hours. Me and my friends were there and we spoke to Robs stunt double and a producer (David Yates, very nice man) and they said they were only filming for another week and then the film would go into post production. Two girls who were there… ignored the pylons and just went up and knocked on Robs trailer door when no one was looking. Security didnt notice..and they actually found someone in his trailer when he wasnt there. After the girls left I asked if someone had overheard them…and they said that Kristen stewart opened a curtain and waved to them. They werent expecting her and didnt get photos but the girls were really shook up. DRAMA!

- Rpattz fans you guys will be thanking me soon.... Stay tuned
- The mystery will be solved soon...
- Holy Crap!!! Robert Pattinson just signed autographs for around 60 fans @ 5am after wrappedfilming on Cosmopolis tonight
- Robert Pattinson just left the set with Kristen in the car

someone got a clear pic of kristen..should be out tonight
- Pics are coming..she's here!
- Someone opened the door to the trailer and bear barked! cute
- The crowd has been moved back and black screens have been put up, blocking the view.
- Just saw Kristen Stewart at the Cosmopolis set. Yup.
definitely will try but I am sure someone else here did. She was out of the car and into the trailer so fast.




Rob con Bear

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